Who is Ren in my life?
Ren is a musician based in Brighton UK. Over the last year he has rose in prominence with his very personal songs.

You may not have heard of Ren, but in the last year, he has made an enormous impact. I mean huge. His video for 'Hi Ren' has stacked up over 17 million views as of august 2023. Incredible for an independent artist who was until last year, more likely to be found busking in Brighton than making his own music.
Watching Hi Ren is something else. It's not a song, it's a work of art. Scour you tube and you will find wave after wave of people reacting to having watched it.
It leads you into the Ren rabbithole. And what a journey it is. Seriously. Watch 'Hi Ren', then follow it with some of the others here. Find out more about his story, his illness, his struggles to get where he is today. To know that whilst he is releasing these tracks and gaining prominence, Ren is somewhere in Canada receiving treatment, shows his journey is just beginning.
Look up the reaction videos, find the videos of the Big Push busking in Brighton and just keep going.
Hi Ren
Nothing I say can prepare you for what you are about to witness. It's a masterpiece of art. The video, the guitar playing, the premise, the words and that ending. You cannot watch it once, you need to watch it over and over to understand how powerful it is.
Sick Boi
Carrying on from Hi Ren, learn more about whats driving Ren on. Powerful stuff.
Animal Flow
With a video created with friends, with virtually no budget, this video is a fresh visual treat. Follow the Ren Rabbit hole
Losing it (fisher retake)
This came out before Hi Ren and it's different. There is so much going on in this retake and shows a different side of Ren. But it's fun, frantic and clever.
Chalk Outlines (with chinchilla, live)
Wow, this is just wow. One of my favourite songs to have come across this year. Completely live, this just shows how brilliant Ren is.
Englishman in New York, the big push
A live cover of this song, by the Big Push, the busking band from Brighton that Ren was in until last year. I cam across this recently and it's just a cool vibe to a song I never actually liked very much.
The latest release of Ren's as of August 2023 and another great song.
War Pigs, the big push
Love this cover and these three guys could really play. I know Ren is following his hip hop journey right now, but I hope he mixes it up in the future.
Bongo Bong by the big push
I don't know this song at all, but love this version of a song by Manu Chao (apparantly!).